Hello, my name is Jamaal Solomon and I'm the founder of the Health. Wealth and Tech Conference. The sentence line seems like a cool opening line for a networking event. I need to write it down and put it in my wallet for future use. However, I would like the opportunity to be completely transparent with you about why I started the conference. Don't worry, I promise it will be short. Let's start with the fact that when I writing passionately, expect a lot of grammar errors! Currently, I don't have the time and money for an editor (unless you want to be a sponsor)!
The first and only thing that you need to know about myself is that I'm a huge fan of the Wu Tang Clan. Prior to my mid 30s, I had a severe case of stage fright. Just the thought of speaking in public would scare the crap out of me. This prevent me from taking advantage of many opportunities especially socially. Nobody in my youth days would ever say "oh yeah, Jamaal was definitely born to be a public speaker!" I idolized the Wu Tang Clan because I loved how they had the courage to be creative. Their stage presence was insane and they just didn't care what you thought. Even during my "quiet" years, I would imagine situations that I would speak publicly and just have the crowd super engaged. I didn't become funny and creative starting in my 30s, I just didn't let the world know that I was capable of it.
Things changed for me in my mid 20s. I started attending community financial literacy workshops. I absolutely hated when speakers would come into our communities and basically just give us a sales pitch. Their workshops were not informative or engaging. I started doing very small speaking engagements but nothing serious. In my 30s, I started having intense nightmares and suffering from depression and daily headaches. I had this intense vision of rocking large audiences but was frustrated because I wasn't brave enough to follow through.
Here is the good news, this blog post is not about my personal life. I will save how I won the battle against my fear of public speaking on another day. We going to fast forward to the time period where I finally had the courage to become known for very engaging presentations. Fast forward again (I told you that this would be short) to 2023, I had a vision to finally start my own conference brand. Since 2003, I have helped thousands of clients with their tax needs. I noticed a few things that prevented clients from achieving financial independence. Some clients worked so hard that their health was neglected and any money earned was given to doctors. Some clients made a lot of money but accumulated only bad debt. Some clients were extremely scared about what the future of technology may bring to the world. Well shoot, why not start a conference that tackles these three issues? That is why and how the Health, Wealth and Tech conference was born.
Come join us on June 22nd! Visit www.hwtconference.com. Expect many updates in the coming weeks.
